

Is Your Team Murmuring?

Is Your Team Murmuring? 

This is not about team members complaining.

Instead…there’s an intriguing phenomenon among starlings, a small to medium sized bird with glossy black feathers streaked with green and purple. In fall or winter, just before sundown, tens of thousands, even up to a hundred thousand, gather and fly through the sky. And instead of flying straight in a flock like most other birds, they twist and turn continuously, moving band and forth, dancing in elaborate shapes, creating a beautiful and mesmerizing show in the air. This formation is called a “murmuration.” (more…)

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The Power of &

The Power of &

Breaking News! On June 6th the PGA Tour and Saudi backed LIV Golf announced an agreement to merge. For anyone whose head may have been buried in a sand trap, this was a stunning announcement of an alliance between the decades-old organizer of golf in the U.S. and North America, and the year-old start up that paid hundreds of millions of dollars to woo big name pro golfers to defect from the PGA.

The two organizations spent the better part of a year in an acrimonious legal battle that included Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund, former PGA golfers, antitrust allegations, and more. The startling agreement “effectively makes the Saudis investors in U.S. golf…” according to the Wall Street Journal.1 (more…)

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Managing Your Triggers

Managing Your Triggers

By now many of us have seen the recent viral video of a CEO in Michigan whose response to an employee’s question during a virtual all employee meeting, was recorded and posted on social media.

Garnering likely millions of views, along with articles in multiple national and local news outlets, it’s been a public relations storm for the company and its employees. This CEO joins the list of other C-suite leaders who have similarly criticized employees or made what was perceived to be insensitive remarks in their frustration over productivity, profits, and pandemic related work habits that they want to change. (more…)

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7 Essential Steps to Team Health

7 Essential Steps to Team Health

One of the many shifts that resulted from the pandemic was normalization of people seeking therapy. The sudden and awkward adjustments to daily life increased the number of people admitting their need for help, and sharing with others that they were doing it. Companies expanded their employee assistance program benefits to include better options for counseling services and more employees took advantage of this. Everyone became more attentive to the need for improving emotional health and interpersonal relationships, connecting with purpose, and learning to invest in their personal growth.

Just as people work on their individual emotional health, self-awareness and relationships with others, leaders are increasing the focus on team health. Team health includes ensuring cohesive relationships between the members of the team; talking not only about strategy and execution, but also about how those discussions take place, and paying attention to team strengths and developmental needs. (more…)

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How To Survive a Lion Attack…at Work

How to Survive a Lion Attack….at Work

Hopefully we all know never to get in a cage with a lion, or to stroll through an African safari in a lion’s territory. But what happens when a lion finds us and sees us as prey?

While researching some information recently, I came across a video on how to survive an attack by a lion. Curious, I stopped to view it and was struck by the advice that the normal reactionary “fight or flight” response was useless. A human is nowhere near strong enough to fight a lion, nor able to outrun one. Lions can climb trees faster than us, and literally smell our fear.

The advice instead centered on new ways of looking at the problem. In short, knowing how to read the lion’s behavior to determine its intent, using your body language to minimize being considered a threat, how to intimidate the lion and protect yourself. These are the best possible alternatives for people who find themselves in the crosshairs of a wild and powerful animal. (more…)

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Leaders In Harmony: What’s the Quality of Your Sound?

Leaders In Harmony: What’s the Quality of Your Sound?

I recently returned from a seven-day vacation cruising the Caribbean with 2200 of my closest friends (well four really). The entire ship was filled with opportunities to listen to smooth jazz music all day long and into the wee hours of the morning. There were multiple performers and musicians, many of whom were regulars on this annual (except for a 3-year COVID break) cruise. And while some guests like me were first timers, many had “frequent flyer” status with 10 to 20 jazz themed cruises under their belts. They knew what to expect and savored every moment of it. (more…)

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Whose Tank Have You Filled?

Whose Tank Have You Filled?

I recently facilitated an end of year meeting with one of my clients and allocated time for each person to share what they appreciated about every one of their colleagues. We were meeting virtually, and each person was invited to put their thoughts in a group chat, so that the recipient could go back to it later and reread it. As the facilitator, this was about them, not me, so I wasn’t even thinking about asking for their comments about me.

But just before we ended the meeting, someone said, “What about Priscilla?” Then they all began to type in their words of affirmation for me. I must admit that when I read it, I got a little emotional. I didn’t realize the impact that my consulting had on them over the past two years. It also motivated me to dig deeper, continue growing personally and pour into the leaders and organizations that I’m honored to serve. It energized me, tapped into my strengths, and reinforced where I can add value. (more…)

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Authentic Leadership: Will the Real You Please Stand Up?

Authentic Leadership: Will the Real You Please Stand Up?

Does your team know your core values and personality style?

Is your behavior consistent in all your interactions with your colleagues?

Do you sometimes find yourself following a pattern of behaviors that others’ expect from you, instead of creating your own?

Do you experience a level of stress trying to perform to others’ standards? (more…)

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Establishing an Environment for Growth

Establishing an Environment for Growth

There’s an old parable about a man who planted seed.

He tossed some of the seed on rocky ground. Little plants peeped out of the ground, but because there wasn’t much soil, they died away without much growth.

He tossed other seed on the ground that was covered with thorns. But the seed couldn’t settle into any dirt because the thorns choked them out.

He then tossed some seed on ground that was hardened because it was a pathway. This seed simply laid on top of the hard ground, which made it easy for the birds to come and feast on.

Finally, the man tossed some seed on good soil that was soft, watered, and full of nutrients needed for growth. The seed sprouted and produced a sun-kissed harvest. Some of it was thirty, sixty and one hundred times greater than what was planted!

The moral of the story? It’s important to establish the right environment for growth. (more…)

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Asking Better Questions Leads to Better Answers

Asking Better Questions Leads to Better Answers

Has it ever occurred to you that the quality of the answers you receive is dependent on the quality of the questions you ask? Consider these three conversations.

  • I talked with a coachee about some career decisions he was facing. After a lengthy discussion of the pros and cons, he asked me point blank, “What should I do?” My response was to ask him a question; “Where is your heart?” He paused then responded with a definitive answer. The right questions culminated in the most important one to help him decide.
  • I met with a leadership team and asked them a set of questions about their business. Going into the meeting it appeared as if they knew many of the answers. But by the time we finished the meeting, it was clear that they saw value in spending more time discussing and determining their plan of action. Taking the time to dig into the original questions opened the door to underlying issues that needed to be addressed.
  • I met with a different leadership team regarding a new initiative for their organization. They asked me questions about my experience in their area of interest. I asked them questions to understand why they were undertaking this challenge. It was an interesting and thought-provoking discussion as we both walked away with more questions on our minds. But we recognized that the appropriate timing for asking and answering the next set of questions would come in the future.


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