
One Step Backward Two Steps Forward

One Step Backward Two Steps Forward

As I sit here writing, I’m staring at my left foot. Several months ago, I injured the tendons in the ball of it. I was walking in a pair of shoes that I normally wear, but something was amiss and by the time I recognized I was experiencing constant pain, the damage was done.

I thought it would heal by itself over time (silly me), but after 5 weeks of gingerly walking and limping in a variety of shoes, I made a next day appointment with a podiatrist. He showed me how to wrap it with athletic tape (something new!), and warned me that if I wasn’t careful, I would need to wear a medical walking boot (yikes!). (more…)

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Purpose, Patience and Preparation: 5 Principles for Success

Purpose, Patience and Preparation: 5 Principles for Success

Everyone has a purpose, but not everyone will recognize it and fulfill it. And one of the biggest reasons why is because they won’t have the patience to go through the process to see it come to pass. Joe is a good example of how practicing patience and preparation ultimately led to fulfilling his purpose.

Joe grew up the youngest of four brothers on the family farm in the Midwest. His father owned herds of cattle and while they weren’t poor, they were far from rich. One day Joe had a dream that he would be running a multi-million-dollar company and make a distinctive impact on millions of people. Different from any other dream, this one was vivid and clear. The next morning, he remembered every detail of it and couldn’t shake the feeling that somehow this meant something. Now this seemed the farthest thing from reality because none of Joe’s brothers had gone to college or left the family business, and there was no expectation that he would either. (more…)

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What’s Your Communication Goal?

What’s Your Communication Goal?

As leaders we’re constantly communicating to our stakeholders with strategic intent. The question is whether our communication plan is effective or not. This may sound simple, but amazingly, many leaders miss excellent opportunities to communicate with employees in ways that develop them by enhancing their understanding of business priorities and engaging them in driving sustained business outcomes. When you’re communicating with others it’s important to think about your goal to ensure your methodology is properly aligned.


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Saying No: Managing Your Time in a Hyperconnected World

Saying No: Managing Your Time in a Hyperconnected World

How do you say “no” to the myriad of requests impacting your time?

As your leadership role expands, you are likely discovering that the demands on your time to deliver results and to connect with people inside and outside your organization are increasing. You’re finding that you’re unable to be responsive to the needs that you used to easily fulfill in the past. You want to spend time investing in others but are faced with the challenge of prioritizing the greatest return on investment for your time spent. You find that you must make the most productive connections that are mutually beneficial to all involved.

So, what do you do with the increasing requests for connection on social media? Then there’s the follow up emails to just get 15 minutes of your time to discuss an important topic. Meanwhile, in the office you’re encouraged to support employee engagement by increasing your interactions with team members at all levels of the organization. (more…)

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