
New Ideas, New Work

New Ideas, New Work

Recently, while perusing Forbes Magazine’s list of the top 30 Under 30 people in 15 different industries, I was struck by how many of them were listed as “founder” of a company. In industries such as Media, Technology, Energy and Industry, Food and Drink, Education, and Social Entrepreneurship, more than half the individuals held this title.  In Sports, Music, Hollywood Entertainment, Art and Style, independent individual contributors comprised the majority of the list.

Many in this millennial group of 30 Under 30 have rejected the traditional notion of graduating from college and finding jobs. Instead they have used the campus environment to facilitate networking to create their own jobs.  They have avoided the conventional corporate environments in favor of unconventional workspaces and work relationships, like living and working in the same space to increase productivity and connectivity.  They have pushed back on the established methodologies of getting things done, and created new pathways to purchase art online and process financial transactions.

Their advantage obviously is that they aren’t entrenched in a “this is how you do it” mindset.  Their educational process and developmental upbringing likely placed greater emphasis on creativity instead of conformity. Research shows that millennials as a group, are less interested in considering a career in business.  According to an article by Shama Kabani in the December 2013 issue of Forbes, millennials are projected to comprise the majority of the workforce by 2025, however data from Bentley University’s study on the preparedness of college students to move into the workplace shows that:

  • 6 in 10 students say they are NOT considering a career in business, and 48% said they have NOT been encouraged to do so.
    • 59% of business decision makers and 62% of higher education influentials give recent college graduates a C grade or lower for preparedness in their first jobs.
    • 68% of corporate recruiters say that it is difficult for their organizations to manage millennials.
    • 74% of non millennials agree that millennials offer different skills and work styles that add value to the workplace.
    • 74% agree that businesses must partner with colleges and universities to provide business curriculums that properly prepare students for the workforce.

This data, and the accomplishments of the 30 Under 30 speak loudly about how current organizations must adapt to and embrace the future generation both as employees and as customers, to be able to leverage their ideas and intellect to solve problems, and effectively compete in the marketplace.

A New Model

Many companies still operate based on the old model of experience taking priority over innovation at the individual employee level.  Employees with greater technical, policy or process knowledge, and therefore experience in a particular area, teach the younger people how the organization works. Such companies may externally broadcast their innovative products and methodologies, but internally they muffle creativity at the expense of familiarity. Instead they need to place innovation and creativity of the culture and work style on par with their innovative products and services. Those who fail to adapt and become more flexible will pay the price of failing to keep pace with the speed of technology and change.

A glaring example of this is Eastman Kodak, which filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection two years ago in January 2012, after more than a decade of falling sales and stock prices.  Kodak, a name long synonymous with photography, didn’t go bankrupt because people stopped taking pictures, but because they couldn’t adapt to the new way pictures were being taken.  People started using their smart phones to capture, send and store pictures electronically, instead of solely using traditional cameras and hard copy prints.  Twenty months later, Kodak has emerged from their restructuring transformed into a technology company focused on imaging for business, in a way that will hopefully produce better corporate results.

Preparing for the future

So what about these 30 Under 30? Instead of just talking about new ways of doing things, they take new ideas and develop them into marketable strategies, trends and entrepreneurial ventures.

For example, Carter Cleveland (#1 in the Art and Style category) founded Artsy as a student at Princeton when he realized that there was no quick and easy way online to find art for his dorm room walls.  His website now provides more than 85,000 works of art from 1,800 museums, galleries and foundations. Most of it is for sale and he also recommends artists to users.  (This is an idea I’m sure I could have thought of, but would I have done anything about it?)

So how are you leveraging innovation, creativity and technology in your team or organization to capture the next NEW idea or process? How are you finding new and different ways to meet customers’ needs? Are you developing intrapreneurs (in all demographic groups) who will keep your team fresh, or are you attracting entrepreneurs who will collaborate on new ways to accomplish organizational objectives?  Whatever your strategy, recognize the value of new ideas and build a culture that embraces the new world of work for millennials.


Photo from iStockphoto

Copyright 2014 Priscilla Archangel

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Are You Prepared…Really?

Are You Prepared…Really?

The catastrophic events that began a week ago in Japan; an earthquake followed by a tsunami, and now a potential nuclear meltdown spreading radioactive gases, have left many people glued to various forms of the news media as they try to comprehend the magnitude of it all. The disaster has impacted not just those living in the areas hardest hit, but it has rippled throughout the entire country, and even the world. We don’t yet know the death toll, but hundreds of thousands are said to be living in shelters, and the emotional and physical effects will unfold for years to come.

These events impact the global supply chain as well, since Japan manufactures components used in consumer electronics and automotive products (to name a few) used across the world.Companies are now assessing the impact to their manufacturing processes and short term sales, and taking steps to mitigate potential financial losses.


As I watch the events unfold day by day, my mind keeps going to the issue of being prepared.The Japanese have reportedly been diligent about taking precautions in the event of an earthquake.But it’s improbable that they would have anticipated a triple disaster, or could have done enough to adequately prepare for it.

Disaster planning occurs in every area of our lives.Companies develop emergency plans for restoring business operations, retaining and accessing data, and continuing to service customers.Governments prepare secure war rooms and develop strategic military plans. Municipalities prepare to provide basic services to residents like food, water and shelter in the event of a crisis.But what about economic crises, financial crises, military crises, or environmental crises?We’ve had all of these in the past five years, at levels that exceeded our expectations of how critical the impact of these situations could be.

So how should we effectively prepare for a potential crisis or disaster?Preparedness is a result of appropriately:

Assessing the risks – Almost everyone impacted by recent disasters thought that it might be possible, but it wasn’t probable.  So assume that it can happen.What are the risks if you’re not prepared?

Assuming the resources – Most disaster recovery plans assume the availability of electrical power at some point, or clean water and air, or that transportation is available, or that people will act rationally.What are your assumptions and what if they aren’t realistic?

Accumulating the reserves – Start now to develop plans to gather provisions to make it through the crisis.That might mean accumulating financial reserves, developing emergency plans, identifying operating alternatives, or gathering provisions. What materials should you prepare now to have on hand?

Acting responsibly – Your behavior at the time of a crisis can have a positive impact on others as you exhibit faith in God, and allow His peace to rule your spirit. Can you give your fears to Him?

Acknowledging reality – Denial of the magnitude and impact will exacerbate the problem.Often people delay in responding because they fear overreacting. It’s generally important to be ready to take action quickly. Can you take every event seriously?

But the most important area of our lives where we need to be prepared is in our spirit. We’re in the days that Jesus spoke of where we’ll experience wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, famines, plagues, and nations fighting against one another (Matt 24:6-7, Mark 13:7-8, Luke 21:9-11).Whether we’re directly impacted by crises, or asked to help others in crises, we all will face the moment of understanding where we will spend eternity. The best thing we can do is settle that matter in advance by committing our lives to Christ. Unfortunately, many people live for today, and don’t plan for their eternal future, or they don’t believe in Jesus Christ. They fail to assess the risks correctly.

Others assume they will have time to commit their lives to Him when they’re finished doing what they want to do.They’ll make a “just in time” decision.These people fail to properly assume the resources that will be available to them.

Still others fail to strengthen themselves spiritually by accumulating the proper reserves, such as knowledge, wisdom, and developing a closer relationship with Christ, to make it through the times of crises. Instead they fall away from Christ when challenges come into their personal lives, not realizing that this is the time to press in closer to Him.

Those who act responsibly and draw near to Christ will indeed find that He’s a present help in a time of trouble.As they act responsibly, they allow the peace of God to rule their hearts, they find rest in Him.

And finally, individuals who acknowledge reality understand the context of such disasters, and the perilous times of these last days (II Timothy 3:1). They understand the seriousness of their behavior and press in to Him, to hear and obey all that He has called them to do.

So each of us must assess our level of preparedness.Are we really ready for what may lie ahead?

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