
Sight or Vision: A Collective Effort

Sight or Vision: A Collective Effort

The Wall Street Journal recently published an article about a young man named Liam McCoy.1 Liam was born with albinism, a diagnosis characterized by lack of the pigment melanin in his hair, eyes, and skin. His eyes were overly sensitive to bright light, they moved involuntarily to the point that he was unable to make them look at any specific object, and he was extremely nearsighted. He could only see something in a field three inches from his nose and had a visual acuity of 20/2000. Though he had sight, his visual perception was extremely poor, and he learned to experience and understand his environment using cues that were different from those born with normal vision. (more…)

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Clarity in the Midst of an Uncertain Future

Clarity in the Midst of an Uncertain Future

The sound of her watch alarm abruptly awakened Carol from a deep sleep. It was January 2nd and she was already focused on how she would address her leadership team when they returned to work in a few days. Thoughts had been swirling in her mind over the two-week holiday break. 

Everyone had worked so hard over the past nine months during the pandemic. As CEO of her mid-sized company, the past year was unlike anything she had ever seen. Their industry had endured its unanticipated ups and downs in the past, but the unprecedented inability to forecast any sense of normalcy over the past year was worrisome.  (more…)

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