change management

The Impact of Change

The Impact of Change

The news media frequently reports on new leadership appointments across various organizations. Regardless of how these leaders are chosen, stakeholders can anticipate changes. The new leader will bring fresh perspectives, priorities, processes, and their own authority to implement change.

This change is often driven by the leader’s vision for a different future. Their motivation plays a crucial role. Are they pushing change merely to differentiate from their predecessor for personal advantage, or to benefit the organization and its stakeholders? Ideally the latter since the fundamental responsibility of leadership is to promote the health and welfare of the organization. (more…)

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Falling Leaves: What No Longer Serves Its Purpose?

Falling Leaves: What No Longer Serves Its Purpose?

Several months ago, in mid-July, I noticed an untimely phenomenon in our backyard. A tree that towered high above our two-story home began dropping brown, dead leaves. And while the annual cycle of falling leaves wasn’t uncommon, we were used to it happening in October and November instead.

But the tree had been struggling for a while, and this was the signal that it was truly dead. After dropping all its leaves and some small branches, we finally called a tree service to cut it down and remove it. They had a very efficient process to sever the branches, then chop the trunk, cart away the wood, and even grind the stump with the dirt into the ground. (more…)

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