Want Insider Information?

The federal government is increasing its investigation into insider trading activities on the part of hedge funds and expert trading networks, according to an article on Marketwatch.com on November 23, 2010. They are concerned that these experts are providing investors with data that is significant enough to be considered insider information. ‘Expert Networks’ under microscope: Firms that connect consultants to investors hit by insider-trading probe also says that investors are increasingly concerned that the government may be changing its definition of insider trading and insider information.

According to the article, written by Alistair Barr and Sam Mamudi, expert networking firms “connect experts with investment firms that are trying to learn more about an industry or delve deeper into an issue or a company”. The firms generally have strict guidelines to ensure their experts comply with applicable laws on not providing non-public or sensitive information. This is part of the “mosaic” approach to investment research where investors gather many pieces of information that individually are not considered material, but collectively may provide valuable information without violating laws regarding securities.

When I think of the mosaic approach, I picture a stained glass window.  It’s comprised of many colored bits of glass that individually have no value or beauty, and provide no clue to what it could become. But when assembled to form a picture, and light shines through the colors in the mosaic; it tells a story, reflects its splendor onto that which is around it, and manifests the talent of the craftsman.

Investors want to assemble all the pieces of the mosaic and somehow put them together, like pieces of a puzzle, to see the entire picture of a company, and to understand what its future will look like. Very likely, we all want to gather pieces of expert information that we can assemble to show us things to come, so that we can make the right decisions today.  We want to optimize every possibility that our investments will have the highest returns, and get in on the leading edge of the next hot commodity or IPO.  We want anything that we spend our resources on — time, money, or energy – to yield positive results. We want to ensure we make the best personal and business decisions that will support accomplishing our objectives and achieving our future desired state.

Expert information is valuable in every aspect of our lives.  What business decisions should we make? Where should we invest our personal funds? Who should we hire? What job should we take? What career path will enable us to reach our goal? We research these issues; talk to “experts”; pay consultants for advice; work hard; work smart; and at the end of it all, try to assemble all these pieces of “mosaic” information to make the best decision possible.

But what if you had an expert network legally providing you with insider information to help you make the right decisions for every aspect of your life? What if you knew the craftsman who was creating your mosaic?  What if he revealed to what some of the pieces looked like and how they fit together, so that you could begin to understand the final picture?  This insider information would give you an understanding of your purpose in life, the decisions you need to make, and the actions you need to take.

Well I can introduce you to the master craftsman who can provide that insider information. You can have your own personal expert network to help you optimize how to manage your valuable resources. The only requirement is that you spend time getting to know this expert, and developing a relationship with him.  His information will require you to invest your time, it will require you to adjust your priorities, but this investment will provide increased returns in every area of your life.

This expert is none other than the Most High God.  His Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path (Psalm119:105).”The entrance of [His] words gives light. It gives understanding to the simple” (Psalm 119:130 NKJV).  Choose to seek the insider information that God will provide to you.  He will guide your decisions in the right pathway to success in Him.