Goal Setting

One Step Backward Two Steps Forward

One Step Backward Two Steps Forward

As I sit here writing, I’m staring at my left foot. Several months ago, I injured the tendons in the ball of it. I was walking in a pair of shoes that I normally wear, but something was amiss and by the time I recognized I was experiencing constant pain, the damage was done.

I thought it would heal by itself over time (silly me), but after 5 weeks of gingerly walking and limping in a variety of shoes, I made a next day appointment with a podiatrist. He showed me how to wrap it with athletic tape (something new!), and warned me that if I wasn’t careful, I would need to wear a medical walking boot (yikes!). (more…)

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10 Leadership Lessons from a Half Marathon

10 Leadership Lessons from a Half Marathon

Several weeks ago, I completed my first half marathon. Making the decision to do it, disciplining myself to train for it, standing in the middle of the street in downtown Detroit at 6:30 a.m. on a chilly morning with anxious excitement waiting for the starting signal, and later working through the physical aches were all new experiences. But my biggest learning wasn’t physical, it was mental.

As I completed mile after mile, I thought about leaders who are contemplating change in their organization. How do they motivate their teams to reach a goal that for some seems impossible, unnecessary, or uninteresting? My 10 leadership lessons from a half marathon may be insightful for them. (more…)

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