10 Core Responsibilities of Leaders: Understanding Your Role

As the leader of your team or organization, are you experiencing any issues similar to the ones on the list below?

  • Product quality is declining, and costs are increasing due to rework.
  • Delivery timetables aren’t being met as staff struggle to prioritize projects.
  • Leaders are competing for limited budget resources and quibbling about the value of their different initiatives.
  • Cybersecurity attacks have hindered your organization’s ability to deliver programs and services as planned.
  • Employee engagement is lagging, and turnover is increasing.
  • Communications initiatives are more focused on overcoming negative press than touting the value of your brand.
  • Ongoing customer complaints center around several core areas, and the proposed solutions aren’t working.
  • Your recently released, long awaited product is floundering in the market, unable to gain a foothold with the targeted demographic.
