
Authentic Leadership: Will the Real You Please Stand Up?

Authentic Leadership: Will the Real You Please Stand Up?

Does your team know your core values and personality style?

Is your behavior consistent in all your interactions with your colleagues?

Do you sometimes find yourself following a pattern of behaviors that others’ expect from you, instead of creating your own?

Do you experience a level of stress trying to perform to others’ standards? (more…)

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Blind Spots: Learning to be Self-Aware

Blind Spots: Learning to be Self-Aware


Cornell left work early today, which was unusual for him. He was frustrated.

Before and during the pandemic, whether working from the office or home, he was used to putting in long hours. His company’s business was growing, and he was in the thick of their new product development and launch. He made regular presentations to the executive committee, spoke frequently with Rosemary his VP as they were working through thorny issues, and knew the technical details inside and out. (more…)

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