

“What’s Love Got to Do With It?”

“What’s Love Got to Do With It? What’s love, but a secondhand emotion?”

These are the words of singer Tina Turner’s biggest selling single.1 And since I typically write about leadership, you may be wondering right now, what’s love got to do with leadership?

The Greek language defines different types of love that we might demonstrate in interactions with others. It highlights agape love as universal love, such as the love for strangers, nature, or God…encompass(ing) the modern concept of altruism, as defined as unselfish concern for the welfare of others.”2 (more…)

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The Impact of Change

The Impact of Change

The news media frequently reports on new leadership appointments across various organizations. Regardless of how these leaders are chosen, stakeholders can anticipate changes. The new leader will bring fresh perspectives, priorities, processes, and their own authority to implement change.

This change is often driven by the leader’s vision for a different future. Their motivation plays a crucial role. Are they pushing change merely to differentiate from their predecessor for personal advantage, or to benefit the organization and its stakeholders? Ideally the latter since the fundamental responsibility of leadership is to promote the health and welfare of the organization. (more…)

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Helicopter Leadership: When You Should Hover

Helicopter Leadership: When You Should Hover

Helicopters are known for their unique ability to hover, take off and land vertically, and move in ways that traditional fixed-wing aircraft cannot operate. They are the air vehicle of choice for emergencies and crises. They transport people and things to locations where airplanes can’t land. They aid up-close sightseeing, aerial videography and photography, and agricultural work. They can maneuver into hard-to-reach locations, hover close to, or land on the ground. This makes it easier to off-and-on-load resources, observe the terrain, or support land operations. (more…)

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Trusting the New Leader

Trusting the New Leader

Almost daily, the business media reports on organizations announcing searches for, or the appointment of, new C-suite leaders. Sometimes this is prompted by the prior leader’s long-expected retirement or movement to another role. But often the vacancy reflects the emerging need to improve financial results and to bolster trust in their brand and the products and services they provide.

Whether public or private, government or non-profit, each organization survives and thrives based on the level of trust that stakeholders have in their leadership team. And the board, owners, or others with oversight, are ultimately responsible for ensuring they’ve identified the right talent to place into those roles. Their selected candidate must quickly build trust, which is the foundation of every leadership appointment. (more…)

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Leading in the Midst of Differences

Leading in the Midst of Differences

These days, leaders are increasingly facing expectations to respond to circumstances and situations occurring outside the work environment about which their employees and society have strong and differing opinions. No matter how or if they respond, many will be criticized, either for not doing enough or for doing too much.

These leaders recognize their teams represent a broad range and complexity of values and beliefs. At the same time, they understand the importance of their role in engaging the group to collaborate, support one another, and deliver results for their organizations.

So how can leaders create and support a positive work environment in the midst of such differences? By modeling the following behaviors: (more…)

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Leadership Improvisation and Preparation

Leadership Improvisation and Preparation

Think of being in one of the following situations. How will you respond to it? Or if you’ve already been there, how did you respond?

  1. You’re leading the Q&A portion of an all-employee meeting, and someone asks a surprise question, one that seems to come out of left field.
  2. A speaker is running late to an important event, and someone asks you to stand in for them until they arrive.
  3. A colleague challenges a statement you just made in a meeting in front of your peers.
  4. A meeting presentation doesn’t flow as planned due to technical difficulties.
  5. You’re presenting your company’s quarterly financial statements, and an analyst asks a challenging question.


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Lift, Lower, or Cut Anchor

Lift, Lower, or Cut Anchor

An anchor serves a common purpose on a ship or boat…to stop it from moving. Lower the anchor and it engages and connects the vessel to the seabed, ensuring it stays put. It prevents drifting in the wind and current which would put those onboard at risk. It is a basic requirement for vessels on the water, typically with a sharp projection that hooks into the rock and soil. The stability it provides enables a variety of productive and pleasurable activities for those onboard.

Periodically, a boat anchor can get wedged into the seabed so tight that it’s difficult or impossible to get it out. In this case, some boaters keep a sharp knife handy so that they can cut the rope linked to the anchor. Particularly, if the vessel is in perilous water or weather, it’s important to be able to quickly release what’s holding it back. (more…)

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One Step Backward Two Steps Forward

One Step Backward Two Steps Forward

As I sit here writing, I’m staring at my left foot. Several months ago, I injured the tendons in the ball of it. I was walking in a pair of shoes that I normally wear, but something was amiss and by the time I recognized I was experiencing constant pain, the damage was done.

I thought it would heal by itself over time (silly me), but after 5 weeks of gingerly walking and limping in a variety of shoes, I made a next day appointment with a podiatrist. He showed me how to wrap it with athletic tape (something new!), and warned me that if I wasn’t careful, I would need to wear a medical walking boot (yikes!). (more…)

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Making Connections

Making Connections

I’ve become a recent fan of playing the New York Times’ daily puzzles online, and one of my favorites is Connections. Sixteen words are provided, and the goal is to form four groups of four words that are in some way connected. You have to figure out what the connection is, and you get four mistakes, after which the game ends and the correct answers pop up. For example, on the day that I’m writing this, four connected words are bar, dinner, liberty, and tinker. They’re all “words before ‘bell’”.

When I first started playing, I would find two or three words that appeared to be obviously connected. But finding the last one or two for a group proved elusive. My initial thoughts about the connections were generally wrong. Then, I would look up definitions to refresh my memory on how they were used. I’d think about informal uses of words, and different ways of how they might be linked. The good news is, once I got the first three groups, the last one was obvious (there were only four words left!), even if I didn’t understand why they were connected. (more…)

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