

Clarity in the Midst of an Uncertain Future

Clarity in the Midst of an Uncertain Future

The sound of her watch alarm abruptly awakened Carol from a deep sleep. It was January 2nd and she was already focused on how she would address her leadership team when they returned to work in a few days. Thoughts had been swirling in her mind over the two-week holiday break. 

Everyone had worked so hard over the past nine months during the pandemic. As CEO of her mid-sized company, the past year was unlike anything she had ever seen. Their industry had endured its unanticipated ups and downs in the past, but the unprecedented inability to forecast any sense of normalcy over the past year was worrisome.  (more…)

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Put Your Mask on First: Building Hope

Put Your Mask on First: Building Hope

Even though most of us haven’t been flying much in the past eight months, we’re all familiar with the safety guidelines shared by flight attendants before an airplane takes off. In the event of an emergency where supplemental oxygen is needed, a mask will drop from the overhead cabin. You should put on your own mask before helping children, the disabled, or anyone needing assistance. And know that the oxygen is flowing, even if the plastic bag doesn’t inflate.

This safety precaution of putting your mask on first is life supporting when the aircraft is in the midst of a crisis. And it provides timely advice as we move into a winter season marked by a dramatic increase in the number of COVID-19 cases, along with significant political transition. It’s especially good advice for leaders to follow in helping their teams survive and thrive. (more…)

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Your Role in Advancing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Your Role in Advancing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

We’re in a time where leaders must determine the role that they want to play in advancing diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in their companies. Events over the past six months, including the senseless killings of Black people, the stories that many people of all races have shared about their experiences, and social unrest impacting all facets of our lives, have once again brought this issue to the forefront of our consciousness. I say, “once again”, because it’s nothing new, it’s been cyclical in our nation’s history, yet it’s reached a new level of awareness. (more…)

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Step Out on Your Wire: Bravery and Purpose

Step Out on Your Wire: Bravery and Purpose

Imagine taking a trip to Niagara Falls, New York, observing the beauty and power of the rushing water, as you peer through the mist to see across the international border. You could be surrounded by other tourists, wearing rain ponchos as protection from the water spray, and taking pictures of the rock formations surrounding it. But what if you instead, stepped onto a wire two inches in diameter, strung 1500 feet from one side to the other, and step by step crossed onto the other side? (more…)

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Is Your Foundation Crumbling?

Is Your Foundation Crumbling?

Amsterdam is crumbling. The capital city of the Netherlands known for its winding canals, historic buildings and beautiful museums is suffering from cracks and sinkholes along its waterways. It was built between the twelfth and sixteenth centuries on a marshland by driving wooden stakes deep into the ground to provide a steady foundation upon which to construct the buildings. While newer buildings were set on concrete foundations, a significant portion of the city remains atop the historic stakes, whose age and quality have caused multistory houses to lean. (more…)

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Recognize Your Worth: Choose Confidence

Recognize Your Worth: Choose Confidence

Think back to the start of your professional journey. What if you knew your full capabilities, your potential, your value? What difference would that have made in your decisions? How would it have increased your confidence to pursue your goals?

A research study has shown that our confidence increases over the course of our career[1]. It makes sense. Over time, we learn from our successes and failures. We discover how to get better results based on our personal style and capabilities. We figure out how to navigate tough situations. We gain clarity about our goals. In fact, the women surveyed rated themselves as 15 points less confident than men in their mid-20s, with both increasing to the same level of confidence by the time they reached their mid-40s. (more…)

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What’s a Leader to Do? Surviving and Thriving Through a Triple Threat

What’s a Leader to Do? Surviving and Thriving Through a Triple Threat

Imagine walking through an unfamiliar forest…in the dark. The sounds of night creatures; uneven terrain under your feet; tree branches suddenly brushing your head and arms; searching for a path, any trail; trying to see fallen logs before you trip over them; peering at the quarter moon in the sky and wishing for more light. You are trying to remember your wilderness survival training from childhood, but it’s a distant memory. It is a long night; you are exhausted from working all day. You know that dawn is coming, you’ve just lost track of when, and you don’t know how deep into the forest you’ll be when the sun rises.

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Great Leaders Offer Hope

Great Leaders Offer Hope

During the first five months of 2020 we’ve experienced multiple crises. People started the year preparing their vision for 2020, drawing a comparison with having 20/20 visual acuity. But I’m sure no one had this vision for five months filled with: Political uncertainty, a pandemic, economic meltdown, Supply chain interruption, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, killer hornets, senseless killings, protests, and riots

Any one of these crises requires good leadership to navigate through it. But for leaders in government, businesses, community services, health care, and families, to manage all of it together is overwhelming. Yet every organization has some role based on their purpose, to address these situations. And as people are looking for solutions, answers, and a way forward, it’s the responsibility of leaders to offer hope in the midst of turmoil. (more…)

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Recognizing Emotions: Preparing to Return to the Workplace

Recognizing Emotions: Preparing to Return to the Workplace

All across the U.S., after several months of orders to stay at home, shelter in place, and work remotely, resulting in many places of business being shuttered, the pressure is on to open up the economy again. The “save lives” focus is shifting to “save the economy.” Several states are venturing forward by opening public spaces and business-to-consumer locations.

Corporations are using a multi-pronged approach to prepare the physical environment based on data, building standards, logistics and artificial intelligence. Then they’re communicating with and training employees on how to work differently and reviewing their policies on how to get employees to actually feel safe. This may require leaders to accommodate a variety of personal needs to enable the organizations to be fully functional. (more…)

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“What About Me?” And 10 Other Questions Employees are Asking

“What About Me?” And 10 Other Questions Employees are Asking

As we navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic, the biggest crisis in our lifetime, we’re hearing about many acts of heroism, kindness, generosity, and creativity.

Medical supplies are being donated by TV medical shows, skilled tradesmen, craft groups, and citizens; and manufactured by companies big and small to support first responders and healthcare workers.

Big businesses and individuals are donating money to support small businesses and people whose jobs and livelihoods have been impacted by mandated shutdowns.

Neighbors are helping neighbors, friends are supporting each other to check on their health, ensure everyone has food, and that other needs are met. (more…)

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