
One Step Backward Two Steps Forward

One Step Backward Two Steps Forward

As I sit here writing, I’m staring at my left foot. Several months ago, I injured the tendons in the ball of it. I was walking in a pair of shoes that I normally wear, but something was amiss and by the time I recognized I was experiencing constant pain, the damage was done.

I thought it would heal by itself over time (silly me), but after 5 weeks of gingerly walking and limping in a variety of shoes, I made a next day appointment with a podiatrist. He showed me how to wrap it with athletic tape (something new!), and warned me that if I wasn’t careful, I would need to wear a medical walking boot (yikes!). (more…)

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Leaders are Bakers! It’s All About the Yeast.

Leaders are Bakers! It’s All About the Yeast.

My baking skills are marginal at best. I can follow a recipe to bake a loaf of bread, but if it doesn’t rise properly, I likely won’t understand why. Skilled bakers on the other hand know the secret to preparing a fully risen and delicious loaf of bread. They recognize the importance of a small but powerful ingredient…yeast. And they can perform consistently by making loaves that look and taste identical, time after time.

As a leavening agent, yeast makes bread rise and adds taste and color. It is simply a fungus that loves eating sugar. (Don’t we all?) The yeast mellows and conditions the gluten in the dough so that it will evenly absorb the increasing gases and hold them in the mixture as it’s kneaded. This expands the volume of the bread, making it rise; and improves the flavor, texture, grain, color and eating quality. But for maximum effectiveness, it needs to be stored at the proper temperature and humidity. And when making the bread, the water must be warm when yeast is dissolved, and the other ingredients cannot be too cold. (more…)

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Managing Your Triggers

Managing Your Triggers

By now many of us have seen the recent viral video of a CEO in Michigan whose response to an employee’s question during a virtual all employee meeting, was recorded and posted on social media.

Garnering likely millions of views, along with articles in multiple national and local news outlets, it’s been a public relations storm for the company and its employees. This CEO joins the list of other C-suite leaders who have similarly criticized employees or made what was perceived to be insensitive remarks in their frustration over productivity, profits, and pandemic related work habits that they want to change. (more…)

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Authentic Leadership: Will the Real You Please Stand Up?

Authentic Leadership: Will the Real You Please Stand Up?

Does your team know your core values and personality style?

Is your behavior consistent in all your interactions with your colleagues?

Do you sometimes find yourself following a pattern of behaviors that others’ expect from you, instead of creating your own?

Do you experience a level of stress trying to perform to others’ standards? (more…)

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Blind Spots: Learning to be Self-Aware

Blind Spots: Learning to be Self-Aware


Cornell left work early today, which was unusual for him. He was frustrated.

Before and during the pandemic, whether working from the office or home, he was used to putting in long hours. His company’s business was growing, and he was in the thick of their new product development and launch. He made regular presentations to the executive committee, spoke frequently with Rosemary his VP as they were working through thorny issues, and knew the technical details inside and out. (more…)

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